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Advanced configuration#

Developer mode#

Piio developer mode is meant to be used to enable/disable piio. It's a great feature if in your development environment you need to serve your images from your machine.

Behinds the scenes what actually happens is that Piio serves the images from its original source without applying any of Piio's features.

Values: On | Off By default is set to Off.

Lazy loading#

Lazy loading is key in order to improve the site load and user experience in any site. Piio automatically introduces lazy loading to all images in the site.

Lazy loading Enabled#

Values: On | Off By default is set to On.

There are another two properties in the dataPiio configuration object that you can modify in order to change the lazy loading behavior.

Lazy Loading Mode#

In friendly mode the lazy loading is applied only from the bottom of the page, while strict mode applies lazy loading to the top, right, left and bottom of the screen.

Values: friendly | strict By default is set to friendly.

Lazy Loading Distance#

This functionality enables you to decide at what distance from the limits of the screen the images are going to be loaded. Each of these values is mapped to a distance for large screens and another distance for small screens.

Values: none | small | medium | large By default is set to medium.

ValueMobile DistanceDesktop Distance
  • The breakpoint is set to 768px.
  • The x in the table represent the visible screen height.


Piio provides several filter to apply on image resizing. Depending on the type of images your site has, you can set a filter that fits you better.

Values: Triangle | Box | Catrom | Scale | Triangle-unsharp-1 | Triangle-unsharp-2 | Lagrange | Hermite | Gaussian | Hann | Laczos By default is set to Triangle.

Feature available in Business Accounts

Disable WebP#

When Piio detects that the client's browser supports WebP, Piio returns images as WebP.

You can disable this feature if you don't want to serve WebP formatted images.

Values: On | Off By default is set to Off.

KeepColor profile#

In order to deliver lighter images Piio strips metadata, including the ones related to color profiles, on some cases this leads to inexact colours.

You can enable this option to keep the original color profile of your images.

Values: On | Off By default is set to Off.

Feature available in Business Accounts

Compression Mode#

In order to deliver lighter images Piio applies Loosy compression to the images by default. In case you need to perform a lossless compression you can set it in this option.

A loosy compression will lead to ligher images with almost no quality downgrady, while lossless does not reduce images quality but delivers heavier images.

Values: Lossy | Lossless By default is set to Lossy.

Feature available in Business Accounts